Rules and Regulations
DUBAI GAMES was established with the aim of promoting healthy living and fitness as well as unity and teamwork among the community.
It is essential that DUBAI GAMES is run in a manner that promotes fairness, respect, and good sportsmanship, which are the values that will guide the Rules and Regulations set out for the games.
The Rules and Regulations will be the main reference point for all athletes and officials for DUBAI GAMES and will be abided by all relevant parties throughout the event.
- All teams will start on a pre-allocated lane and obstacle and rotate around in an anticlockwise direction, until they have completed all obstacles. A team’s heat, obstacle and lane will be allocated during the official draw event
- Each obstacle will have 4 lanes, with a capacity to take a maximum of 4 teams at any one time
- Each lane will be coloured, and the teams will be allocated a single lane for the duration of their heat, so as they move from one obstacle to the next, they will remain in that specific lane. The lanes will be coloured differently to make it easier to recognize
- There shall be a 10-minute time limit for each obstacle to be completed
- Teams will have to complete as much as they can of the obstacle, they are on within the allotted time. If they are unable to complete the obstacle within the 10-minute time limit, they must stop where they are, and the appropriate points will be tallied up
- After the 10 minutes is complete, there will be an 10-minute rest and rotation period. During this period, teams will be escorted to the next obstacle for briefing and preparation
- Before the start of each obstacle, the team will be given a brief overview of the objectives of the obstacle. The briefing shall take place during the 10-minute rest period. It will be clear and allow for a few questions. No team will be allowed to start an obstacle unless they attend the obstacle briefing with all participating team members
- After each obstacle briefing, the teams will have the opportunity to align on their strategies but must be positioned and ready at the start line when given the signal by the referee
- Each obstacle will have referees whose primary role is to ensure the teams complete the obstacle in a fair manner and by not gaining any unfair advantage over the other teams
- Teams must attempt all obstacles. The rule is designed to guarantee that the teams intend to complete the entire event
- Failure of a team to present 5 able participants before the start of the obstacle briefing will be considered as a forfeit from that obstacle for which they will be awarded zero points
- Each team shall have a Team Manager, who will be made known to the Event Officials during registration. The Team Manager shall always represent the teams and will be responsible for advising the relevant officials of any substitutions, appeals or further information and responsibilities (but not limited to) regarding their team. The Team Manager cannot be a participating team member
- Each team shall appoint one of their members as the team’s Captain who will be made known to the Event Officials during registration. The Team Captain will be a participating team member and will be responsible for team behaviour and morale during the event
- Teams must always wear the kit allocated to them
- Participants will be allocated wristbands, which they will have to always wear during the event. The wristbands are used as an information storage device allowing quick access to participant details
- If for any reason a team wishes to forfeit an obstacle (or competition) the Team Manager must advise the lane referee of the intention to forfeit and must confirm whether they are forfeiting the obstacle and/or the entire competition. The Referees and/or Obstacle Staff will direct them to the participants table where they will remain until the completion of that obstacles’ time limit. If they are forfeiting the competition, an event official will escort them out of the field of play. By forfeiting the competition, the team will lose all points accumulated and will not be included in the results
- Intentionally disturbing or impeding other teams during any obstacle may lead to a penalty or disqualification
- If in the opinion of the Obstacle Referee, an athlete and team would have completed a stage and obstacle had it not been for an incident of foul play by the opposing team or unintentional impediment caused by another team or mechanical failure the referee can at their discretion award the points to the impeded or affected team or schedule a redo of that specific obstacle for the team at the completion of the round
- The decision to allow a team to have a second attempt at the obstacle will be taken by the Obstacle and Head Referee and will be because of any medical incident, mechanical failure, or any form of impediment by another team which has prevented the team from being able to complete an obstacle. This may only be applied once to a team and should the circumstances described in those sections impede or prevent a team from completing the obstacle during a second attempt, the team would not be permitted to make a 3rd attempt and its score would be equal to the average score of all teams over that specific obstacle
- If an participant suffers an injury, the Lane Referee must be notified immediately so that a dynamic assessment may be conducted to assess the athlete’s ability to continue the race and whether the participant must be withdrawn from the obstacle or competition. The Referees always, at their own discretion, have the right to withdraw an athlete from the competition for medical and/or safety reasons
- Injured participants may only be substituted as per the substitution rules.
- When attempting to complete an obstacle, team members must only push 1 of the 5 completion buttons each, any attempt to push multiple buttons will cause the team to be awarded a penalty
- The Referees may award a penalty if the team breaks any of the event rules during the competition. A penalty will result in the deduction of 5 points from the team’s total score and teams may receive an unlimited number of penalties throughout the event
- There will be up to 4 teams competing at each obstacle at any given time, unless one team has been disqualified or is unable to progress to the next obstacle
- To progress to the next obstacle, the team must have at least 5 able bodied team members at the obstacle briefing
- Teams must always follow instructions given by event referees and officials
- Teams must report to each obstacle start line, for a briefing, 5 minutes before the round has been scheduled to begin. If a team or any team member is not in position for the briefing that team will not be able to participate in that obstacle and will forfeit the associated points
- Teams will have a 10-minute break between each obstacle. Obstacle briefings and movement from obstacle to obstacle shall take place during the rest period
- Teams may be penalised or disqualified for:
- Sabotaging other participants or the course to prevent the opposing team from progressing
- Verbally and/or physically assaulting event officials and other teams or using offensive or derogatory language
- Receiving assistance (including receiving nutrition or equipment) from a person who is not a registered teammate. This does not include verbal instruction or support from coaches or supporters or for any medical emergencies, which may require outside help.
- Modifying course markings
- Intentionally stepping or trespassing into the other team’s lane
- Violation over the identity of a competitor or change of a team member during the race
- Disobeying obstacle referees or obstacle staff at any stage during the operations of the course
- Intentionally cheating in any manner whatsoever
- Un-sportsman like conduct
- Disqualifications may only be issued by the Obstacle Referee or Head Referee and will not be open for appeal
- Teams may make an unlimited number of substitutions from participants in their registered team, throughout the duration of the qualifying heats and in accordance with the event rules
- Substitutions can only be made in the 8-minute rest period and must be completed before the briefing starts for the next obstacle
- Teams will be supplied with 2 Substitutions Bibs at the beginning of their heat. Participants not participating in the upcoming obstacle must be always wearing the Substitution Bib
- A substitution is deemed to be complete once the participant being substituted out has put on the Substitute Bib and has stepped into the team area which has been provided for that obstacle
- Substitutes must remain inside the team area, or substitutes area always, stepping outside this area may result in a penalty and possible deduction of points
Dubai Games is intended to be run in a manner that promotes fairness, respect, and good sportsmanship. The following is a code of conduct that the athletes are expected to follow:
- Be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others
- Know, understand, and follow the competition rules
- Obey all instructions from event officials
- Treat other competitors, organisers, officials, volunteers, and spectators with respect and courtesy
- Avoid the use of abusive language
- Inform an event official or referee of any withdrawal, medical or injury incidents
- Compete without receiving assistance other than from fellow team members
- Do not dispose of rubbish or equipment around the course except at clearly identified places, such as kit drop- zones or rubbish disposal points
- Follow the prescribed course of each obstacle
- Do not use any device that will distract other athletes from paying full attention to their surroundings
- All participants must abide by anti-doping rules and regulations and the organisers reserve the right to test any athlete for prohibited substances. It is each Athlete’s personal duty to ensure that no prohibited substance enters his or her body and that no use is made of a prohibited method. Athletes are responsible for any prohibits substance, its metabolites or markers found to be present in their sample, or evidence of use of a prohibited substance
A) Qualification Obstacles:
- The course consists of 7 qualification obstacles, where each obstacle is comprised of 3 stages, with 5 points awarded for completing each stage. All 5 team members must complete a stage for the points to be awarded
- Three obstacles out of the whole course will feature a bonus buzzer, offering teams 5 bonus points if successfully pressed. Only one team member can activate the bonus
- Each obstacle's finish line is equipped with 5 buzzers per team, known as completion buzzers. Upon completing all 3 stages and moving to the buzzer box, all 5 team members must press these buzzers together. Once all buzzers are pressed, the obstacle completion time is recorded in the system. Teams will earn Time Bonus Points based on their completion time as indicated below
B) Team Ranking in the Event of a Tie Scenario:
Teams will compete across 7 obstacles, with each obstacle consisting of 3 stages. Three of the obstacles feature a bonus button that awards additional points. The time taken to complete each obstacle will also factor into the scoring. At the end of the 7 obstacles, if teams are tied with the same score, the tie-breaker will be determined by analyzing the time data from each stage completed. The total time for each team will be divided by their accumulated data points, and the team with the lower resulting number will be ranked higher.
C) Time Bonus Points:
- Each team has a 10-minute time limit to complete an obstacle
- Teams finishing the obstacle in under 10 minutes earn time bonus points for each second remaining to the 10-minute mark, with each second worth 0.01 points
- Teams failing to complete an obstacle within the allocated time have their completion time set at 10 minutes, resulting in zero-time bonus points
Example of points calculation:
Obstacles | Team name | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 (Completion buzzers pressed) | Bonus | Completion time | Time Bonus Points (10 min – Completion time) in seconds x 0.01 point | Total points awarded |
Obstacle 1 (No Bonus) | Team A | 5 points | 5 points | 5 points | - | 5min 23 sec | 10min – 5min 23sec = 277 seconds 277sec x 0.01 = 2.77 points | 17.77 points |
Obstacle 2 (No Bonus) | Team B | 5 points | 5 points | 5 points | 10 min | - | 15 points | |
Obstacle 3 (No Bonus) | Team C | 5 points | 5 points | 5 points | 5 points | 4min | 10 min – 4 min = 360 seconds 360 x 0.01 = 3.6 | 23.6 points |
- Race Director:
Responsible for athlete briefing, overseeing the full team of referees, enforcing event rules, and ensuring adherence to roles within the team - Head Referee:
Assists the Race Director on-site, communicates with obstacle referees and show caller after each heat to confirm obstacle readiness, and possesses comprehensive knowledge of all event obstacles - Technical Referee:
Responsible for reviewing CCTV footage, maintaining awareness of all rules and regulations, and resolving appeals in coordination with the appeal committee - Obstacle Referees:
Oversees specific obstacles, possesses thorough knowledge of obstacle rules and regulations, briefs teams before their heat time, ensures lane referees maintain standards, handles teams, and manages the initial appeal process - Lane Referees:
Ensures teams within assigned lanes adhere to obstacle rules and regulations. Arabic-speaking referees are available on each obstacle to assist non-Arabic-speaking obstacle referees during briefings - Jury Committee
Responsible for reviewing appeals and making decisions based on CCTV evidence and event regulations. Composition for voting:- Dubai Games organising committee: One vote
- Dubai Games Sports Manager: One vote
- Dubai Sports Council Representative: One vote
- The Jury committee will be responsible for reviewing all appeals raised by the participating teams against penalties issued by the referees. The final decision on results rests solely with the Jury Committee
- Where necessary due to the nature of the investigation, the Jury Committee may add additional members or call upon witnesses. During proceedings, the committee may call upon any member of the Referees team to gather all required information to ensure the correct decision is made
- Up to 4 teams will be competing at each obstacle at any given time unless one team has been disqualified or is unable to progress to the next obstacle
- All team members must listen to the referees/officials’ obstacle briefing and instructions
- Team members can assist other teammates unless instructed otherwise
- Team members participating while completing the obstacles must stick to their assigned lane colour
- Team members may only interact with the coloured zones assigned to their lane
- Team members are strictly prohibited from making contact with the water; unless advised otherwise
- If team members fail to attempt an obstacle, they are required to return to the starting platform promptly as instructed
- If instructed by a referee to restart an obstacle, team member/s are obliged to comply immediately without dispute
- All team members must engage in all obstacles in a manner that prioritises safety, minimising the risk of injury to themselves and their teammates
- Teams must undertake the obstacle as directed, adhering to the spirit of Dubai Games and demonstrating respect towards officials and fellow competitors, while refraining from manipulating any rules or guidelines
If a Referee witnesses an athlete or team taking actions which are deemed to be against the rules, he or she will raise a card and verbally inform the team of the infringement. These infringements are summarised below.
Serious / Major Offense
Disqualification Red Card
- Intentionally or deliberately impeding or disturbing other competitors
- Using confrontational, abusive, and derogatory language towards competitors and event officials
- Intentionally or deliberately not obeying instructions of event official
- Intentionally damaging or sabotaging the course, (including course markings and apparatuses)
- Repeat Yellow Card (2 Yellow Cards)
- Spitting on an opponent or another person
Deliberately Impeding or disturbing other competitors- Unsportsmanlike behaviour. Removing another team’s key- gaining an unfair advantage
Must leave field of play at the end of 10-minute period
- Repeat Verbal Warning
- Playing in a dangerous manner
- Repeatedly not obeying instructions of event officials
- Intentionally disregarding obstacle rules
- Substitutes not staying in the designated area
- Beginning the race before the signal (False Start)
- Intentionally or repeatedly Impeding progress of another team
- One athlete pressing/holding more than one Finish Button
- Any other unmentioned offense
- Intentionally disregarding obstacle rules
- Attempting to proceed before being given the ‘all clear’ from the instructor
5 Point Deduction per Penalty
Minor Offense
Verbal Warning Green Card
- Proceeding without team members
- Disturbing other athletes
- Not following obstacle instructions (minor incident)
- Not following obstacle instructions (minor incident)
- Moving next pole before previous key has been collected
No Points Deducted
- If a yellow card is issued during the qualifying heats, teams will have the opportunity to appeal against the decision during the 10-minute activity period or immediately afterwards, as well as within the designated rest period. The Appeal Card is submitted by the team Manager to the Obstacle Referee
- Each team has 2 Appeal Cards. An Appeal Card is valid only for the latest obstacle completed by the team. Appeal cards cannot be used to appeal other teams’ performance
- Appeal Cards are to be directly submitted by the team manager to the obstacle referee who will then communicate it to the head referee
- The head referee will verify the appeal and communicate with the Technical Referee
- The Technical Referee will then communicate the appeal request to the jury committee and support the Jury Committee in gathering all relevant data for their decision
- Based on the data provided, the jury committee will investigate the appeal request, make the final decision, and inform the Technical Referee
- The Technical Referee will then announce the final decision to the team in coordination with the head referee after the jury committee has gathered all necessary evidence and completed the investigation
Points Deduction Mechanism
- Upon observing a clear violation, lane referee issues the yellow card or red card based on the infringements stated by the teams
- When the team appeals against the first yellow card, it will be considered as a first/verbal warning and no points will be deducted. If a team uses an Appeal card and the violation is invalid, yellow card 1 will be retracted and removed from the display screens. However, if the violation is valid, 5 points will be deducted, and yellow card 1 will be displayed next to the team’s name on screen
- If the team receives a 2nd yellow card, 5 points will be deducted automatically. If the team uses an Appeal card, and the violation is invalid based on the evidence, the team will regain their 5 points and the 2nd yellow card will be retracted and removed from the display screens. However, if the violation is valid, another 5 points will be deducted, making it a total of 10 points, and 2 yellow cards will be shown on the display screens
- If a red card is issued, the Lane referee reports it to the Obstacle referee, who then logs it into the system and reports it to the Head referee, Race Director, and technical referee so it can be reviewed by the Jury committee and the GG Director. The Jury Committee (3)+(1) and the GG Director will have the ULTIMATE final decision on the matter
Appeals During Finals
- In the finals, if teams fail to complete the final obstacle within 45 minutes, their ranking in this category will be based on the time of their last completed stage
- Teams will not be provided with any appeals cards for the finals, all Referee decisions made will be considered final